Washington State University, Visiting Scholar (2007- 2008)
Military Prosecutor (1992-1995)
Prosecutor, Suwon District Public Prosecutors’ Office (1995-1997)
Prosecutor, Chuncheon District Public Prosecutors’ Office, Gangneung Branch (1997-1998)
Prosecutor, Daegu District Public Prosecutors’ Office (1998-2000)
Prosecutor, Seoul Western District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2000-2002)
Prosecutor, Daejeon District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2002-2003)
Prosecutor Research Officer, Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office (2003-2005)
Senior Prosecutor, Public Security Department, Gwangju District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2005-2006)
Professor, Institute of Justice (2006-2007)
Deputy Senior Prosecutor, Suwon District Public Prosecutors’ Office (Professor, Institute of Justice) (2007-2008)
Deputy Senior Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2008-2009)
Senior Prosecutor, Public Security Department, Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2009-2009)
Senior Prosecutor, Criminal Department 3rd Division, Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office (2009-2010)
Head of Inspection Division I, Inspection Department, Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office (2010-2011)
Member, Policy Research Committee, Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office (2012)
Partner, Dongin Law Group (2011-Present)
1. As a former prosecutor,
Investigated companies causing water pollutions in Kangreung area
Investigated bribery cases related to Daegu Urban development Corporation and corruption in recruitment of professors at Daegu Art University
Supervised election law violation cases such as the 3rd local election and the 17th election of members to the National Assembly
부산형사3부장 검사 재직 시, 부산실내실탄사격장화재사건(일본인관광객다수사망), 부산여중생피살사건(김길태), 링스헬기허위정비사건 등 수사
대검찰청 감찰1과장 재직 시, 각종 감찰사건 처리
2. As an attorney
Represented former director of National Intelligence Services in the election law violation case.
Represented a major KOSPIlisted company successfully in Korea Rail Network Authority’s prosecution case
Represented clients in the CNK’s Cameroon diamond mine case
해외자원개발 관련 대기업 명예회장 상대 사기혐의로 구속기소된 피고인 변호, 전부 무죄 선고 등
Publications and Materials
Research on Investigation of Labor and Collective Illegal Acts Cases, Practical Investigation on Election Law Violations on The Third Local Election (CoAuthor, Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office)