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Sei Kyu PARK

Passed the 24th Korean Bar Exam (1982)

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    +82 2-2046-0637

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    +82 2-3482-1177

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  • Korea University, College of Law, LLB (1976)
  • Korea University Law School, Master in Criminal Law (1978)
  • Korea University, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, AMP Program (1994)


  • National Intelligence Service (1985-1998)
  • FBI, Criminal policy coursework completed (1993-1993)
  • Managing Partner at CHL Law Office (1998-2003)
  • Managing Partner at Leaders/Ace law firm (2003-2007)
  • 근로복지공단, 한국자산관리공사, 한국가스공사, KT, 한국수자원공사, 국세청, 우리은행, 삼성전기, 고양시청, ㈜허브빌 등 고문변호사 (1998-현재)
  • KODA(건설시행협회), 한국토지공사(서울지역본부), 한국수자원공사, 한국사립유치원 총연합회 자문위원 (2008-현재)
  • 경기도시공사, 대한토지신탁㈜ 등 사외이사 역임 (2008-2012)
  • ㈜이스트스프링(구 PCA투자자문) Outside director (2008-Present)
  • Partner, Dongin Law Group (2007-Present)


  • 1. Case related to Korea Land Corp.
  • Represented the client in claim for compensation for land condemnation, indemnification claim for loss, petition for revocation of government taking disposition, temporary injunction suspending construction, petition for suspension of enforcement of administrative disposition
  • 2. Reconstruction
  • Unlawful retainer, liquidation money claim (Bongduk 1 dong Taeyang housing reconstruction association)
  • 3. Flight of property abroad, tax evasion and other tax related case
  • Flight of property abroad tax evasion against Park OO: a case with issues of whether facts related to foreign entity’s revenues incurring out of international trading transactions have established crime of property flight and tax evasion under Act on the Aggravated Punishment etc. of Specific Economy Crimes, considering intent to transfer foreign entity’s capital, a subject to which SPC’s earning actually belong , and element of crimes of property flight and tax evasion.
  • 4. Cases related to China
  • Executed a MOU between Korean hospitals such as plastic surgery clinic, sterilization clinic, and spinal surgery clinic, and relevant Chinese hospitals for partnership in China.
  • Registered Korean pregnancy test product with SFDA in China and supported establishment of distribution channels thereof.
  • Introduced Chinese partners, established joint venture companies and drafted supply contracts for clients such as Ad Global, Cube Tech, KTF Technologies, etc.
  • Incorporated Chinese subsidiary of Sewon ECS and drafted the agreement for purchase of the site for an automobile components factory in Peking.
  • Performed comprehensive research regarding Chinese investment laws, investment procedures and target industries for domestic venture capital companies such as Honsol IVentures, STIC, etc.
  • Consulted clients regarding China CEO program for small and medium sized business jointly established by Tsinghua University and Inha University.
  • Consulted clients regarding Yeungnam University’s visiting student programs for Chinese students and Tsinghua University’s shortterm coursework for businessmen in small and medium sized business.