


Managing Partners

Chang Yeon WEON

Passed the 38th Korean Bar Exam (1996)

  • TEL

    +82 2-2046-0626

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    +82 2-3482-1177

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  • Yonsei University, Bachelor in Politics & Diplomacy (1982)
  • Yonsei University, Graduate School of Law, Master (1988)
  • Seoul National University, College of Law, Professional Legal Research Program (M&A theory and practice)


  • 법무법인 아람(1999)
  • 법무법인 휴먼(2002)
  • 정보통신연구진훙원 평가위원, 기술신용보증기금자문위원(2003)
  • 연세법조회 이사 및 부회장(2014 - 2017), 연세총동문회이사(201 8- 현재)
  • 새만금개발청고문(2016 - 현재)
  • (사)글로벌경영학회 자문위원(2018)
  • 법무법인(유) 동인 대표 변호사 (2018 - 2022)
  • 법무법인(유) 동인 구성원 변호사 (2006 - 현재)
  • 한솔홀딩스(주)사외이사 겸 감사위원 (2023 - 2026)
  • 금융감독원 법률 고문 (2024 - 2026)


  • 1. M&A, Restructuring
  • Advised on Korea Asset Management Corporation’s KAMCO 992 special bond (sale of nonperforming bond of 180 companies under court receivership worth 1 trillion KRW), due diligence, bid on international sale
  • Advised on stock sales, registration, incorporation of corporate restructuring investment company’s First CRV
  • Advised Diners Club Korea (Hyundai Card) on its capital reduction, debtforequity swap, and workout disclosure
  • Advised on S&K World’s acquisition of Shinhan Engineering and Construction Co., and closure of court receivership
  • Advised on Barunson, Inc.’s sale of asset, capital reduction and capital increase, termination of composition procedure, etc.
  • Advised on KMH’s acquisition of Hwajin KDK Co., Ltd,,capital reduction, merger, and physical division
  • Advised on stock exchange between Sung Jin Industrial Co., Ltd. and Addvalmc Co., Ltd.
  • AstraGeneca와 Novatis의 한국자회사간 M&A 공정거래법상 기업결합자문
  • Advised on M&A between AstraGeneca and a Korean subsidiary of Novatis with regard to cartel issues under Fair Trade Act
  • Advised on Changhea Ethanol Co., Ltd.’s acquisition of Ontime Tech; Kyung Bong Co., Ltd.’s merger and acquisition of Comas Interactive Inc. (current DAEATI), and physical division
  • Advised on merger and acquisitions of Suntech Information System, Baos Co., Ltd., VGX International Inc., SP Corp., IT Plus Co., Ltd., Teleca Korea, Doorim T&C Co., Ltd., Wiz Information Technology, Softforum Co., Ltd., Muhan Investment Co., Ltd., Human Information Technology Co., Ltd., Dowon Telecom Co., Ltd., Samwha Engineering Co., Ltd., AMS, Sung Jun Industrial Co., Ltd., Samdo Trading Co., Ltd., LivingTV, CERMET Italy’s acquisition of KSR, Ssamzie Co., Ltd., Bohae Brewery Co., Ltd., etc.
  • 2.Management right dispute (Hostile M&A)
  • Represented Liveplex Co., Ltd., against Webzen in relation to hostile M&A and relevant civil and criminal litigations (petition for mandamus to compel companies to hold temporary shareholders’ meeting, petition for mandamus to compel inspection/copying of shareholder’s list, provisional seizure of proposed resolution, etc.)
  • Represented Mad Money against Uniwide Technology Inc., relation to petition for mandamus to compel inspection/copying of books and record, etc.
  • Advised KJ Online on management right protection and civil/criminal litigation in relation to a hostile M&A attempt
  • Advised on management right dispute and relevant suit in relation to shareholders agreement between Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Co. and Daewoo Motors (injunction prohibiting directors from assuming his responsibilities; petition for appointment of temporary director, etc.)
  • Represented Acti2O Co., Ltd., LivingTV, JS, Wiz Information Technology Co., Ltd., CNTP, Softgram Co., Ltd., Atrium C&I Co., Ltd., Samwhaeng. Co., Ltd., Muhan Investment Co., Ltd., Artis Co., Ltd., Korea First Venture Capital Corporation, Nicemetal Co., Ltd., Blue Island Development Co., Ltd., etc., in relation to management right dispute such as injunction prohibiting directors from assuming their responsibilities, petition for appointment of temporary directors, petition for mandamus to compel companies to hold temporary shareholders’ meeting, injunction prohibiting resolution of board of directors meeting, claim for affirmation of nonexistence of resolution of shareholders’ meeting, petition for mandamus to compel inspection/copying of companies’ books and record, etc.
  • 3. Finance, Securities
  • Advised JP Morgan on Securities and Exchange Act related issues
  • Advised on KAMCO’s nonperforming loan asset securitization (ABS)
  • Advised on execution and enforcement of the asset purchase agreement between Hana Bank and Solomon Savings Bank dated on November 19, 2009 (loan held by Hana Bank)
  • Advised on Daewoo Capital Co., Ltd’s issuance of auto loan and auto lease assetbacked securities (ABS, ABCP)
  • Advised on dispute related to Tong Yang Investment Bank’s finance for acquisition of Security Korea (bid for secured stock sales etc.)
  • Advised on Daewoo Securities’ finance for acquisition of Golden Frame Networks Co., Ltd
  • Advised on Macquarie IT Korea /Hanmi Capital Co., Ltd’s installment loans, lease contract, etc.
  • Advised on Personal Telecom’s capital increase/IPO, and Ubion’s IPO
  • Advised on Mobile Technology Fund established between Ministry of Information and Communication and Chinese government, etc.
  • Advised on Ministry of Information and Communication’s establishment of Korea Global IT Fund ($100 million)/venture fund
  • Represented Ministry of Information and Communication in relation to due diligence and evaluation of IT venture funds
  • 크레디온 CRC, 에스오에스 캐피탈 CRC, 관계 CRC FUND 등 법률자문
  • Advised on invitation of foreign investment by Mark Any and establishment of joint venture company, etc.
  • Advised on establishment of Sejong Heavy Industries’ joint venture company (limited liability company in the U.S.)
  • Handled Korea Delphi Automotive Systems Co’s claim for return of deposit (MMF) against Samsung Investment Trust Co., Ltd, (the first case won due to breach of terms and condition in relation to redemption restriction on Daewoo Bond); Won the case for Choheung Bank’s claim for letter of credit payment against a Chinese bank; represented clients in various Securities and Exchange Act violation cases
  • 4.Project Financing and real estate property
  • Advised on construction and project financing for unit sale of Yongin Dongbaek shopping complex
  • Advised on project financing related to Dankook Univ. project (implementer: Nature & Person Investment Co., Ltd; constructor: Kumho Industrial Co., Ltd.)
  • Advised on project financing related to Bucheon Terminal’s construction of passenger terminal facility and sales and construction of operation facilities.
  • Advised on project financing related to Dasom Synthesis Construction Co., Ltd.’s construction of apartments and commercial buildings
  • Advised on project financing related to Yuhan Housing’s construction and unit sales of Daegongwon Lotte Invens
  • Advised on Seokwang Co., Ltd.’s construction of shopping center
  • Advised on project financing related to Raon Construction Co., Ltd.’s construction of community facilities/driving range/Chungju City Yeonsu District Development
  • Advised on project financing related to Raon Construction Co., Ltd.’s construction of community facilities/driving range/Chungju City Yeonsu District Development
  • Advised on project financing related to OnePlus’ construction of apartments and commercial buildings
  • Advised on project financing related to Art Nouveau’s construction of Kangnam Daichidong area Officetel and commercial buildings
  • Advised on project financing related to Dogoksangga’s construction and unit sales of Kangnam Daichidong Dogok shopping center
  • Advised on Namyangjusi Wolmunri Wabueup apartment project
  • Advised on project financing related to Goldplan’s construction of Gwangju Yangsan District Haneulyeonga apartment
  • 전라남도 지정 육성수면 개발 Project 관련 광무영업조합법인 PF 자문
  • Represented and acted for construction companies such as Space & Space, Woosung S&G Co., Ltd., etc.
  • Represented clients in relation to the bankruptcy of Masan Bobos zone department store
  • Represented clients in relation to Golden Bridge WM Auction Real Estate Fund
  • Advised Century 21 Mission Bishop Real Estate (Korean Branch)
  • Advised PanAm Realty & Investment Inc.(Korean Branch)
  • Advised Global Property Management (PB affiliate of Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, and Small and Medium Business Industry Bank) in relation to real estate management and represented the client in relevant litigation such as eviction case
  • Advised on the issues related to Purchase and Sale Agreement between Prime Development Co., Ltd., (Seller) and Merrill Lynch L.P. Holdings, Inc. (Buyer) for site purchase, construction and sale of office building
  • Advised on the issues related to Turnkey Construction Agreement between PT.EAGLESWOOD HEALTHCARE INDONESIA and KMH Co., Ltd.
  • 5. Corporate matters
  • Advised and represented corporate clients such as Samsung C&T Corp., Samsung Thales, Hyundai Corp., Lotte Chilsung, Hyundai Card, Daewoo Securities, Tong Yang Investment Bank, National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Bohae Brewery, Lotte E&C, Daol Real Estate Trust, KT Capital, Dusan Capital, Blue Island Development, Prime Development, Hanmi Capital, Daewoo Capital, Muhan Technology Investment, Daeyoung Mutual Savings Bank, Solomon Mutual Savings Bank, Sewoo Tech, Halla Mutual Aid Corp., Pharmicell, Rocket Electric, Poong Lim Industrial, Seohee Construction, Samdo Corp., Shinsung E&G, KCTC, GSE, Sungchang Autotech, Gosan, Daea TI, H&H Global Resource, Keystone Global, Orient Bio Inc., etc
  • Won in the Supreme Court case in OO Lee v. Korea Water Resources Corp., in damage claim (20 billion KRW); Advised on international arbitration case in related to stock purchase agreement executed between OO Han and Amphenol Netherlands Holdings 1 B.V.; won in IBK Capital’s claim for revocation of arbitration, represented defendant bankrupt Hanso Investment Bank (Trustee: KDIC) in claim for return of loan; represented defendant and won in the AdVal MC’s claim against OO Lee for guaranty money, represented plaintiff Ubion’s claim against EBS for return of unjust enrichment; Represented LivingTV in claim for affirmation of nonexistence of resolution of shareholder’s meeting, etc.

Publications and Materials

  • <경영권 분쟁에 있어서 가처분에 관한 법적 연구> (석사논문)

Recent Winning Cases

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Major Deals and Cases


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