Seoul National University, College of Law, LLB (1978)
Korea University, Graduate School of Law, Intellectual Property coursework completed
Seoul National University, Advanced Industrial Strategic Program (AIP) completed
Korea Commercial Arbitrati
Prosecutor, Suncheon Branch of Gwangju District Public Prosecutors' Office (1986-1997)
Prosecutor, Busan District Public Prosecutors' Office (1986-1997)
Prosecutor, Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutors' Office (1986-1997)
Prosecutor, Department of Justice (1986-1997)
Prosecutor, Seoul Northern District Public Prosecutors' Office Prosecutor (1986-1997)
Deputy Senior Prosecutor, Cheongju District Public Prosecutors' Office (1997-1998)
Head of Gongju Branch, Daejeon District Public Prosecutors' Office (1998-1999)
Supreme Prosecutors' Office 검찰연구관 (1999-2001)
인권Head of, Department of Justice (2001-2003)
법무Head of, Department of Justice (2001-2003)
Senior Prosecutor, Seoul Northern District Public Prosecutors' Office (2003-2004)
Senior Prosecutor, Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor's Office (2004-2005)
Head of Wonju Branch, Chuncheon District Public Prosecutors' Office (2005-2006)
Prosecutor, Supreme Prosecutors' Office 전략과제 연구관 겸 Seoul High Prosecutors' Office (2006-2007)
Head of Gunsan Branch, Jeonju District Public Prosecutors' Office (2007-2008)
Prosecutor, Seoul High Prosecutors' Office (2009-2012)
Prosecutor, Daejeon High Public Prosecutor's Office
Head of Hongseong Branch, Daejeon District Public Prosecutors' Office (2013-2014)
회장, Patent Court소송실무연구회(검찰ㆍPatent Court청ㆍ대학) 회장
한국노동법학회 회원
Partner, Dongin Law Group (2014-Present)
1. Prosecutor
Led planned investigation of custom violations in Busan District Public Prosecutors’ Office
Investigated intellectual property law violations such as trademark/copyright/patent infringement in Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutors’ Office
Investigated public safety law violations such as election law violations in Chungju District Public Prosecutors’ Office
2. Head of Gongju Branch
Investigated damages to national parks and local government officersrelated cases in connection with relation to Keumkang riverside sand project
3. Head of Criminal Department, Division III, Seoul Northern District Public Prosecutors’ Office
Prosecuted fraud rings that forged letter of credits
Prosecuted criminals who committed online car sales scam
4. Head of Criminal Department Division 1, Seoul Central Public Prosecutors’ Office
Investigated evasion of military service case involved in professional baseball players and celebrities by using drugs (a total of 53 individuals placed in physical custody and prosecuted)
Investigated bribery case in relation to U.S. 8th Army service contract (received a letter of appreciation from US armed forces in Korea)
Investigated officers of Ministry of Maritime and chairman of Sejong Center in relation to embezzlement and bribery charges
Investigated insurance fraud groups composed of 80 individuals by applying insurance fraud recognition system
Handled case related to internal investigation of high ranking government officials and defamation against celebrities
5. Head of Wonju Branch
Case related to bidding corruption by waste management associations in Education Offices of Kangwon Province
Case related to swindling government subsidies for outstanding villages
Investigated speculative investment in real estate by enterprises, etc.
6. Head of Kunsan Branch
Cases related to Illegal supply and demand of taxfree gas for fishery and illegal receipt of the disabled employment promotion subsidies
Illegal lending related to Korea Credit Guarantee Fund and obtaining gas subsidies for truck by fraud
A quasireporter’s blackmailing for advertising fees in Jeollabukdo area
Investigated election law violation cases related to the 4th local election, 17th presidential election, and 18th election for National Assembly
7. Head of Hong Sung Branch
Corruption related to landscape construction for provincial office of Chungchungnamdo
Investigated illegal lenders in Chungchungnamdo including the largest lender in the province
Investigated cases related to tax evasion and fraudulently obtaining agricultural subsidies
Led investigation related to corruption involved in examinations for promotion for Korea Rural Corporation
8. Administrative Proceeding, State Litigation (in Seoul High Public Prosecutors’ Office/Daejeon High Public Prosecutors’ Office)
Suit for cancellation of Four Major Rivers Project; Suit for cancellation of Construction of Naval Base in Cheju Island
Suit for revocation of termination of the president of KBS; Suit for nullification of approval for law school
Suit for revocation of devolvement of proJapanese group’s properties on the National Treasury; suit for cancellation of imposition of taxes, levies or other charges
Actions reversing patent office’s decisions
Claims for insurance money for industrial injury incurred to Samsung semiconductor employee, etc.
Publications and Materials
State litigation practices related to real estate (2006)
Theory and practice in crimes related to unlicensed import/export (1989)