


  • Introduction
  • Major Deals and Cases
  • Recent Winning Cases
  • Publocations


The Construction Arbitration Team is a member of the Arbitration Tribunal in the arbitration case of the Korea Commercial Arbitration Center, a permanent court arbitration agency established on March 22, 1966 in accordance with the Korean Arbitration Act. Arbitration is not only quicker than general litigation, but also because the arbitral tribunal is composed of experts in the relevant field, it is excellent in understanding the facts and issues about the case, so it is gradually used for dispute settlement as a dispute resolution method that replaces litigation recently. The demand for arbitration is increasing, and the satisfaction of the parties with the arbitral award is relatively very high.
DongIn's Construction Arbitration Team was created to provide satisfactory legal services to clients based on the experience of working as a member of the Construction Arbitration Tribunal in consideration of the fact that dispute resolution through arbitration continues to increase. Mainly, attorneys with experience in having arbitration awards or arbitration cases in various fields such as large construction disputes, corporate disputes, international disputes, individual disputes, as well as entertainment related disputes are the main players.
The best value pursued by DongIn's Construction Arbitration Team is to resolve disputes between clients quickly and efficiently. From the client's point of view, by mobilizing all of DongIn's capabilities in the arbitration process, we are striving to present the fastest and most efficient dispute resolution method and put the client's interests first.


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